Contact Info, Questions and Suggestions

WHOM TO CONTACT - Protocol and Process for Information, Questions and Suggestions Regarding Dryden High School

Accountability and Student Learning

Step  1: Classroom Teacher - If not resolved....
Step 2: Sarah Powell, Principal - [email protected]  - If not resolved....
Step 3: Cheryl Covell, Director of Curriculum & Instruction - [email protected]

Physical Education/Athletics/Sports Information

Step 1: Coach - If not resolved....
Step 2: Todd Kwiatkowski, Athletic Director- [email protected]If not resolved....
Step 3: Joshua Bacigalupi, Superintendent - [email protected]

Breakfast and Lunch Programs/Free and Reduced Lunch Applications

Step 1: Megan Munson, Food Services Director - [email protected]
 - If not resolved....
Step 2: Jennifer Case, Business Manager - [email protected]

Curriculum Information (Class/Course)

Step 1: Teacher and/or Guidance Counselor - If not resolved....
Step 2: Sarah Powell, Principal - [email protected] - If not resolved....
Step 3: Cheryl Covell, Director of Curriculum & Instruction - [email protected]

Medical Information

Step 1: Ashley Witty, High School Nurse - [email protected]  - If not resolved....
Step 2: Sarah Powell, Principal - [email protected]If not resolved....
Step 3: Joshua Bacigalupi, Superintendent - [email protected]
School Information (Code of Conduct, Expectations, Grading, Report Cards, Classroom Behavior, etc.)
Step 1: Classroom Teacher and/or Guidance Counselor - If not resolved....
Step 2: Sarah Powell, Principal - [email protected]If not resolved....
Step 3: Joshua Bacigalupi, Superintendent - [email protected]

Guidance, Honors Classes, Counseling and Career Services

Step 1: Guidance Counselor - If not resolved....
Step 2: Sarah Powell, Principal - [email protected]

Special Education Information/Testing Accommodations 

Step 1: Your Child’s Case Manager - If not resolved....
Step 2: Sarah Powell, Principal - [email protected]  - If not resolved....
Step 3: Janet Rascoe-Strebel, Director of Student Services - [email protected]If not resolved....
Step 4: Joshua Bacigalupi, Superintendent - [email protected]


Step 1: Sarah Powell, Principal - [email protected]
  - If not resolved....
Step 2: Patti MacCheyne, Director of Technology - [email protected]

Transportation Information (Pickup, Route Problems, Bus Behavior, etc.)

Step 1: Lora Cavanagh, Transportation Supervisor - [email protected] 
- If not resolved....
Step 2: Sarah Powell,  Principal - [email protected]If not resolved....
Step 3: Joshua Bacigalupi, Superintendent - [email protected]


Step 1: High School website webmaster,  Hillari Seymour - [email protected]
For district website, contact district webmaster, [email protected]
  - If not resolved....
Step 2: Sarah Powell, Principal – [email protected] - If not resolved....
Step 3: Patti MacCheyne, Director of Technology - [email protected]